Full body strength workout - for all levels - no equipment needed - 60 minutes

af Stine Glem

Full body strength workout - for all levels - no equipment needed Anyone can join this full body workout regardless of experience or fitness level Low in energy? Don't worry, I will start with a gentle warm up, so you can begin at any time in the day no matter if you feel ready or not in the moment. I will also include a cool down at the end. Improve your fitness and get the endorphins flowing with this full body strength workout. Enjoy more energy and efficiency throughout the day. The workout gets us warmed up slowly and once we're ready to go, we will strengthen our whole body with fun and simple exercises. I can help you adjust the exercises to fit your needs, and the intensity you choose is all up to you. No matter your experience or energy level, soak up some of the great benefits of moving your body with a fun workout. Exercise can improve your mood, sleep, productivity, creativity, and much more. It also plays a role in regulating blood sugar, and is therefore a great way to minimize cravings that can lead to overeating or eating low quality foods. Are you ready to give yourself the treat of movement and feel even better? This event can be booked both as a group or a 1-1 session.


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699 kr.
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